West Africa Regional Scientific Observer Training Manual, Forms and Lesson Plans - v1.1 & 1.0

Version 1.2 (updated August 1, 2011) - French version - click here

Older versions

Scientific Observer Training Manual Version 1.1 (zipped MS word file, 23.7 MB; PDF, 9.7 MB; last updated April 3, 2011)

Observer Logbook draft (.doc, 954 kb; last updated June 29, 2010) - Final (Apr.6, 2011) - Purpose - provides an overview and essential information for each trip. Includes Trip and Vessel forms, Safety Checklist, Compliance Checklist, daily notes and calculations for total catch estimates.

Note: this is a generic version of the manual and country specific informatin will need to be added for Appendices 1-3

Forms (.pdf format; date of last update)

Trip (6-28-10) [French]

Pelagic LL Gear (5/1/11) [French] (6-30-10 version)

Trawl Finfish - Gear (6/28/10) [French]

Vessel (6-28-10) [French]

Pelagic LL Set - Haul (7/5/10) [French]

Trawl Shrimp - Gear (6/30/10) [French]

Safety Checklist (1/13/10) [French]

Pelagic LL Catch (4/20/10) [French]

Trawl Effort - Total Catch (12/28/10) [French]

Compliance Checklist (7-12-10) [French]



Catch Composition (5/1/11) [French](6-28-10 version)

Purse Seine Gear (7/1/10) [French]

Marine Mammal & Sea Turtle Sighting/Interaction (7/8/10) [French]

Length (7/7/10) [French]

Purse Seine Daily Log (7/1/10) [French]

Marine Mammal Carcass (7-8/10) [French]

Specimen (7/7/10) [French]

Purse Seine Floating Object (5/1/11) [French](7/1/10 version)

Sea Turtle Capture (7/15/10) [French]

Tags (7/14/10) [French]

Purse Seine Catch Comp (7/1/10) [French]


Vessel - Airplane Sightings (7/12/10) [French]

Species Identification -

Sharks (7/20/10) [French] - Rays/skates [French]

- Flatfish [French] - Scorpaenidae [French] -

Misc. Fish [French] - Crustacean [French] -

Misc. Invert [French] - Seabirds (2008)[French]

Marine Debris [French]






Demersal Longline - Gear (11/1/10)



Demersal Longline - Set - haul (11/1/10)



These forms were made in either MS Excel or MS publisher. If you want to make modifications, to the layout I'm happy to supply the base files to you if you request them (see contact info above).

Training Modules [more coming soon]

Handout includes presentation (4 slides/page, Activity instructions & blank forms for activities)


PPT & PDF* format

Lesson Plan (MS Word)

Last update

Vessel Information

PPT (4.6 MB); PDF (0.9 MB)

LP (65 kb)

Handout (pdf 1.4 Mb)

Apr.11, 2011

Trip Summary

PPT (0.5 MB); PDF (0.2 MB)

LP (47 kb)

Handout (pdf 0.5 Mb)

Apr.19, 2011





Demersal Longline - Fishing & Gear description

PPT (4.6 MB); PDF (1.8 MB)

LP (81 kb)

Handout (pdf 0.9 Mb)

Apr.6, 2011

Demersal Longline - Setting/hauling form, catch composition sampling

PPT (3.7 MB); PDF (8.6 MB)

LP (350 kb)

Handout (pdf 1.0 Mb)

Apr.6, 2011





Pelagic Longline - Fishing & Gear description

PPT (4.7 MB); PDF (1.4 MB)

LP (63 kb)

July 29,2010

Pelagic Longline - Setting/hauling form, catch composition sampling

PPT (10.5 MB); PDF (1.3 MB)

LP (85 kb)

July 29,2010





Purse Seine - Fishing & Gear description

PPT (5.4 MB); PDF (2.2 MB)

LP (229 kb)

July 29,2010

Purse Seine - Activity Log

PPT (1.6 MB); PDF (611 kb)

LP (72 kb)

August 27, 2010

Purse Seine - Floating Objects

PPT (1.7 MB); PDF (624 kb)

LP (56 kb)

Sep 23, 2010

Purse Seine - Setting & sampling

PPT (0.9 MB); PDF (544 kb)

LP (92 kb)

Nov. 12, 2010





Trawl - Fishing and gear description

PPT (6.0 MB); PDF (2.6 Mb)

LP (73 kb)

Handout (pdf 1.9 Mb)

Apr.4, 2011

Trawl - Effort & total catch estimation

PPT (1.6 MB); PDF (0.6 Mb)

LP (77 kb)

Handout (pdf 0.4 Mb)

Apr.4, 2011

Trawl - Catch composition

PPT (1.5 MB); PDF (0.4 Mb)

LP (92 kb)

Handout (pdf 1.9 Mb)

Apr.5, 2011





Health & Safety - Your responsibilities, Vessel safety hazards and Personal health & safety (Part 1)

PPT (8.5 MB); PDF (2.2Mb)

LP (73 kb)

Handout (pdf 0.8 Mb)

Apr.6, 2011

Health & Safety - Life saving equipment and Types of emergencies (Part 2)

PPT (20.1 MB); PDF (7.6 Mb)

LP (144 kb)

Handout (pdf 3.1 Mb)

Apr.6, 2011

Health & Safety - Survival at sea & Safety checklist (Part 3)

PPT (3.7 MB); PDF (2.1 Mb)

LP (988 kb)

Handout (pdf 1.0 Mb)

Apr.6, 2011

Health & Safety - Gear Go'round & Pool (Part 4)

PPT (1.3 MB); PDF (0.6 Mb)

LP (63 kb)

Handout (pdf 0.2 Mb)

Apr.6, 2011





Biological Sampling (Part 1 - lengths)

PPT (7.7MB); PDF (1.4MB)

LP (63 kb)

Handout (pdf 0.8 Mb)

May 2, 2011

Biological Sampling (Part 2 - specimen collection, tags, ID forms)

PPT (9.1MB); PDF (1.5MB)

LP (134 kb)

Handout (pdf 1.3 Mb)

May 2, 2011





Fishing gear overview

PPT (2.9 MB); PDF (1.6 Mb)

LP (33 kb)

Apr.6, 2011

Fisheries management - Activity

PPT (2.0 MB); PDF (0.6 Mb)

LP (64 kb)

Dec.31, 2010

Scientific Observer Program Objectives / Introductions [DRAFT - incomplete]

PPT (8.0 MB); PDF (xx MB)

LP (xx kb)

April 19, 2011

Rights, Responsibilities, Conduct

PPT (xx MB); PDF (xx MB)

LP (xx kb)


Math & Statistical Concepts

PPT (xx MB); PDF (xx MB)

LP (xx kb)


Observer Logbook & First days on board

PPT (1.2MB); PDF (0.4MB)

LP (50 kb)

Handout (pdf 0.2 Mb)

May 2, 2011

Random Sampling

PPT (2.0 MB); PDF (0.5MB)

LP (157 kb)

Handout (pdf 0.2 Mb)

Apr.7, 2011





Nautical terms

PPT (3.6 MB); PDF (0.8 MB)

LP (43 kb)

Handout (pdf 0.2 Mb)

Apr.20, 2011

Intro. to Navigation

PPT (2.9 MB); PDF (0.7 MB)

LP (58 kb)

Handout (pdf 0.8 Mb)

Apr.20, 2011





Vessel Sightings

PPT (1.8MB); PDF (0.6MB)

LP (39 kb)

Handout (pdf 0.3 Mb)

May 2, 2011





Marine Debris

PPT (2.7 MB); PDF (0.9 MB)

LP (49 kb)

Handout (pdf 0.6 MB)

May 3, 2011






PPT (xx MB); PDF (xx MB)

LP (xx kb)


*PDFs may (or may not) include any 'hidden' slides in the PPT presentation but exclude animation.

Older version - West Africa Regional Scientific Observer Training Manual - Version 1.0 7/2010 (English)

This is the finalized draft of Version 1.0. (see also the NOP website) If you have comments/input on the next iteration, please send them to me (kim[at]kimdietrich.com) and copy Teresa Turk (teresa.turk[at]noaa.gov). I already have a list of changes/oversights started.

Scientific Observer Training Manual Version 1.0 (zipped MS word file, 22.8 MB; PDF, 9.8 MB; last updated July 19, 2010)


Currently not part of version 1.0 - Demersal longline - manual chapter (currently incorportated into Version 1.1)