West Africa Regional Scientific Observer Training Manual, Forms and Lesson Plans - French

Regional Scientific Observer Training Manual Version 1.2 (zipped MS word file, 37.0 MB; PDF, 14.8 MB; last updated 20 November 2012- this version does not vary substantially from the 3-2012 version, the only difference is a corrected math error in Figure 5-1) Click here for ENGLISH.

Note: this is a generic version of the manual and country specific informatoin will need to be added for Appendices 1-3

Gabon Manual (v1.1) (zipped MS Word file, 26.7 MB; PDF 11.3 MB; Chapters 8-14 extracted)

Observer Logbook MS Word v1.2 (or PDF; February 29, 2012) - Purpose - provides an overview and essential information for each trip. Includes Trip Summary form, Safety Checklist, Compliance Checklist, daily notes and calculations for total catch estimates.

Forms (.pdf format; date of last update) - all French forms have been formatted for A4.

Trip (29-Feb-12)

Pelagic LL Gear (13-Oct-11)

Trawl Finfish - Gear (16-Jan-12)

Vessel (4-Sep-11)

Pelagic LL Set - Haul (5-Mar-12)

Trawl Shrimp - Gear


Safety Checklist (11-Jan-12)

Pelagic LL Catch (30-Sep-11)

Trawl Effort - Total Catch


Compliance Checklist (4-Aug-11)



Catch Composition (5-Mar-12)

Purse Seine Gear (6-Mar-12)

Marine Mammal & Sea Turtle Sighting/Interaction (5-Mar-12)

Length (6-Mar-12)

Purse Seine Daily Log (7/1/11)

Marine Mammal Carcass & Capture (5-Mar-12)

Specimen (10-Mar-12)

Purse Seine Floating Object (7/1/11)

Sea Turtle Accidental Capture (8/24/11)

Tags (3-Sep-11)

Purse Seine Catch Comp (29-Feb-12)


Vessel - Airplane Sightings (6/30/11)


Marine Debris (4-Aug-11)

Species Identification - A4 versions

Sharks - Rays/skates (29-Feb-12)- Flatfish (6-Mar-12)- Scorpaenidae -

Misc. Fish - Crustacean (29-Feb-12)- Misc. Invert - Seabirds (2008)




Demersal Longline - Gear (13-Oct-11)

Pots/Traps - Gear (6-Mar-12)


Demersal Longline - Set - haul (5-Mar-12)

Pots/Traps - Set - haul



Other forms that may be useful (Not translated - English only):
Gear check-out (22-Feb-12) Scale calibration (27-Feb-12)  

These forms were made in either MS Excel or MS publisher. If you want to make modifications to the layout for your observer program, contact kim[at]kimdietrich.com and I'll supply you with the master files.

Training Modules [Updated after training in Liberia in May 2011 - note that updates are not all complete]

Handout includes presentation (4 slides/page, Activity instructions & blank forms for activities). Missing links indicate topic is only available in English.


PPT & PDF* format

Lesson Plan

(MS Word)

Last update

Vessel Information

PPT (6.4 MB); PDF (1.6 MB)

LP (82 kb)

Handout (pdf 1.5 Mb)

Aug 31, 2011

Trip Summary (presentation uses v1.1)

PPT (0.6 MB); PDF (0.9 MB)

LP (47 kb; in English)

Handout (pdf 0.1 Mb)

Oct 20, 2011





Demersal Longline - Fishing & Gear description

PPT (4.6 MB); PDF (1.8 MB)

LP (81 kb)

Handout (pdf 0.9 Mb)

Apr.6, 2011

Demersal Longline - Setting/hauling form, catch composition sampling

PPT (3.7 MB); PDF (8.6 MB)

LP (350 kb)

Handout (pdf 1.0 Mb)

Apr.6, 2011





Pelagic Longline - Fishing & Gear description

PPT (4.7 MB); PDF (1.4 MB)

LP (63 kb)

July 29,2010

Pelagic Longline - Setting/hauling form, catch composition sampling

PPT (10.5 MB); PDF (1.3 MB)

LP (85 kb)

July 29,2010





Purse Seine - Fishing & Gear description

PPT (5.4 MB); PDF (2.2 MB)

LP (229 kb)

July 29,2010

Purse Seine - Activity Log

PPT (1.6 MB); PDF (611 kb)

LP (72 kb)

August 27, 2010

Purse Seine - Floating Objects

PPT (1.7 MB); PDF (624 kb)

LP (56 kb)

Sep 23, 2010

Purse Seine - Setting & sampling

PPT (0.9 MB); PDF (544 kb)

LP (92 kb)

Nov. 12, 2010





Trawl - Fishing and gear description

PPT (8.3 MB); PDF (3.7 Mb)

LP (81 kb; in English)

Handout (pdf 0.2 MB)

15 Jan 2012

Trawl - Effort & total catch estimation

PPT (3.4 MB); PDF (1.9 Mb)

LP (97 kb; in English)

Handout (pdf 1.1 Mb)

Homework pdf

Jan 16, 2012

Trawl - Catch composition

PPT (2.2 MB); PDF (1.3 Mb)

LP (131 kb; in English)

Handout (pdf 0.5 Mb)

Jan 19, 2012





Pots/Traps - Fishing & Gear description, Total Effort/Catch

PPT (3.8 MB); PDF (XX MB)

LP (166 kb)

Handout (pdf xx Mb)

Aug 28, 2011

Pots/Traps -catch composition sampling


LP (382 kb)

Handout (pdf xx Mb)

Aug 29, 2011





Health & Safety - Your responsibilities, Vessel safety hazards and Personal health & safety (Part 1)

PPT (8.2 MB); PDF (2.5Mb)

LP (84 kb; in English)

Handout (pdf; xx Mb)

Aug.13, 2011

Health & Safety - Life saving equipment and Types of emergencies (Part 2)

PPT (22.3 MB); PDF (11.0 Mb)

LP (162 kb; in English)

Handout (pdf; 7 kb)

Aug.14, 2011

Health & Safety - Survival at sea & Safety checklist (Part 3) (presentation uses v1.1)

PPT (3.5 MB); PDF (2.5 Mb)

LP (991 kb; in English)

Handout (pdf 106 kb)

Sep 6, 2011

Health & Safety - Gear Go'round & Pool (Part 4)

PPT (1.0 MB); PDF (0.7 Mb)

LP (66 kb; in English)

Handout (pdf 9 kb)

Aug.14, 2011





Biological Sampling (Part 1 - lengths)

PPT (10.6 MB); PDF (xxMB)

LP (733 kb; in English)

Handout (pdf 50kb)

Jan 11, 2012

Biological Sampling (Part 2 - specimen collection, tags, ID forms)

PPT (9.1 MB); PDF (2.3MB)

LP (137 kb; in English)

Handout (pdf 0.2 Mb)

Aug 1, 2011





Vessel Sightings

PPT (5.3MB); PDF (2.0MB)

LP (47 kb; in English)

Handout (pdf 2.4 Mb)

Oct 20, 2011





Marine Debris

PPT (2.9 MB); PDF (1.4 MB)

LP (48 kb)

Handout (pdf 0.6 MB)

Aug.15, 2011





Fishing gear overview

PPT (2.9 MB); PDF (1.6 Mb)

LP (33 kb)

Apr.6, 2011

Fisheries management - Activity

PPT (2.0 MB); PDF (0.6 Mb)

LP (64 kb)

Dec.31, 2010

Scientific Observer Program Objectives / Introductions [DRAFT - incomplete]

PPT (8.0 MB); PDF (xx MB)

LP (xx kb)

April 19, 2011

Rights, Responsibilities, Conduct

PPT (xx MB); PDF (xx MB)

LP (xx kb)


Math Review & Statistical Concepts

PPT (xx MB); PDF (xx MB)

LP (xx kb)


Observer Logbook

PPT (1.4MB); PDF (0.5MB)

LP (50 kb; in english)

Handout (pdf 0.2 Mb)

Jan 26, 2012

First days on board

PPT (2.0MB); PDF (0.8MB)

LP (48 kb; in English)

Handout (pdf 0.8Mb)

Oct 5, 2011

Compliance checklist & documentation procedures

PPT (0.4MB); PDF (0.1MB)


Sep 25, 2011

Random Sampling

PPT (1.9 MB); PDF (0.5MB)

LP (312 kb; in English)

Handout (pdf 0.1 Mb)

Aug 8, 2011

Observer Gear & Maintenance

PPT (3.1 MB); PDF (1.3 MB)

Scale maintenance & calibration handout (.doc; 79kb)

Sep 29, 2011


Nautical terms

PPT (4.3 MB); PDF (2.1 MB)

LP (49 kb; in English)

Handout (pdf 0.7 Mb)

Aug.25, 2011

Intro. to Navigation

PPT (3.7 MB); PDF (1.8 MB)

LP (74 kb; in English)

Handout (pdf 0.8 Mb)

Aug.28, 2011










PPT (12.0 MB); PDF (xx MB)

LP (xx kb)

** 2008

*PDFs may (or may not) include any 'hidden' slides in the PPT presentation but exclude animation.


Older versions